Sew yesterday, I went to WHSmith to buy a Love To Sew Magazine. My eye was caught, as always, by the other colourful crafting magazines. Make this now, and Christmas card makes etc. I knew that I had to start thinking about my Christmas cards and also getting back into making cards, as I said before I have become lazy on that front. So I picked up two. Make Christmas Cards, Bumper Pack and Paper Craft magazine. Now I’m not usually swayed by gifts, but I had just been paid so I was in need of a present to me!.
I bought them home and put them to the side. I woke up the next morning and flicked through the Christmas Card Magazine. I was on my Amazon App within 5 minutes purchasing 3 Acrylic Blocks and a quilling board. Now…I have had stamps from other magazines in the past and have just thought “Meh”. I am now converted…insert halo music 💡  I have just this minute done 3 stamps with my Acrylic blocks and they will change the way I make Cards in future…
Do you know how much I frigging LOVE LOVEÂ LOVEÂ the Scandi Stamp. And in Pink too! I almost had a heart attack, no lie. That is why I am writing this this second
Or as the kids in my School might say, That looks sic Miss.
Updates on cards I make Will definitely follow. So no TV this evening, well until Goggle Box Obvs!!
And shout out already goes to ↓