Enchantment Under The Sea Dance (On Saturday)

They’re supposed to go to this….Sew…Last weekend I went to a dance. An Enchantment Under The Sea Dance as they did in one of the greatest movies EVER made.  Organised by Nicki of PPHV, The Positive People Of Hill Valley Preservation Society, which I have mentioned in another post. This was all organised to raise money for the Michael J Fox Foundation for Parkinsons research and to pre celebrate the 30th Anniversary of the date that he goes Back To The Future (Which was 4.29pm) October 21st 2015.

So I went with my partner in crime Connie. As I have said before, My go to girl for girlie stuff. Sew as usual I was late, as I had a late night and started doing my hair late:took way too long. I didn’t have a dress, which I had planned to make, left that till late as well, so panic bought 5 dresses hoping one would look the biz and one did. If I do say so myself…what dya think?  😆 20151017_200832

If you want to buy my dress CLICK HERE to see mine and many more dresses